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I Will Not Go Quietly Website Logo.png

Dr. E.C. McKinley

We live in a day when people are trying to silence the voice of truth…the prophetic voice that not only tells of the grace of God but also of His judgement to come on the world.  #iwillnotgoquietly means the cultural bullies and socialist revolutionaries can’t sit you down and shut you up. 

You speak truth to power and to anyone who will listen.  #iwillnotgoquietly means you are called by God and you have the courage to be different from weaklings who talk out of both sides of their mouths.  It means you are a patriot and proud of it. Finally, it means you stand up and speak up when truth needs to be told. 

Join with us today to create positive change to stale, outdated systems by shining light in the dark places and remember, “the only thing necessary for evil to prevail, is for good men and women to do nothing.”

Join the movement today and refuse to go quietly!

Listen to the Podcast

Dr. E.C. McKinley has been a minister since 1979.  His years of education and experience has given insight into the issues ministers and church members face on a daily basis.  With the assistance of Pastor Lindsey Schreiber, they stay relevant and timely.  With a blend of wisdom and wit, and a healthy sense of humor, our hosts share tips on how to thrive, not just survive.

Listen to the Advice to the Young Preacher podcast using our player or download on the following platforms:

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© 2023 EC McKinley

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